Friday, August 2, 2013

800 Chicken a Day

Us with Dick and Nancy in beautiful green mountains of a drive to Constanza.

Hello to all . . .                                                            August 2, 2013

We had a wonderful visit from Dick and Nancy (my brother) - it was a long and tiring trip for them but we had a great few days.  They got to see some sights and some of the island scenery.  I think they especially enjoyed seeing things that their grandson Jed Buehner will be around when he arrives here for his service in the DR East Mission and his time at the MTC.  When we were touring the area office our friend Henry even looked up Jed's info for them.  He is the guy that handles visa's etc.  It was fun to see his name on the records as "arriving!"  Thanks kids for the effort to come visit us!!!

The week before we were at an event "Clog America" - a dance group from the states that put on a great show at the Ministry of Culture Auditorium.  Chuck got his "pocket picked" as we were leaving.  At least we think that is when it happened - we remember getting jostled at that time.  He didn't realize it until we got home and he was taking things out of his pocket.  He went back and looked in the car and I went to check the computer and we already had two fraud alerts from the credit cards.  Such a pain!!  They were good . . . 

I wrote about our trip to Sabana del Mar last time but there are two more things I need to remember about that little jaunt.  We were sitting outside at a big round picnic table for dinner one evening and thought we had bad mosquitos around our ankles and feet so we went inside.  Turns out we were FLEA BITTEN - we each have at least a hundred bites on our lower calves and feet . . . miserably itchy!!!

Guy picking up his chickens from the store . . . .
That "hotel" where we stayed looked out on a street with a chicken store.  We watched as motorcycles and scooters would come and get black bags of chicken - five dead and defeathered chickens in a bag tied with their feet together and sticking out.  Some bought up to 8 bags.  It was the market where restaurants etc. went to pick up their chicken to be used that day.  Some of the men from our group went over to investigate and said it was quite a sight behind the store where they were processed . . . they sold over 800 chickens a day out of the place!   Ugggggg . . . . .

Last weekend there was the first ever encampment that would be the equivalent to a Scout Camp in the states - it was held at the church family camp here - Bonao.  They had 600 young men age 12 and 13 with 150 leaders.  Our friends the Dunfords got to go as their assignment with Public Affairs to document the event.  They report it was a fantastic experience and memorable for the young men.  Leaders had planned all year to make it happen and it was worth it!

Sunday we picked up our assistant Rolando Marte and his wife Fanny to go to San Juan de la Maguana for their Branch Conference and then some training of leaders.  We were invited to the District President's home the Segura's for lunch - always an interesting experience.  His wife was a delight to be around - very happy and positive.  She is also legally blind but we didn't realize it until halfway through lunch.  They continue to work on the building of their own home and were very proud of it being "the prettiest one on the street!"  The oldest of their three children was just home from the encampment at Bonao and had a great time!  San Juan de la Maguana is 3 hours away . . . it was a long day! 

Segura family in San Juan de la Maguana - she is legally blind -
Fanny and Rolando Marte on the left.  Notice their finished ceiling.
Chuck was having some discomfort in his back in the kidney area.  He has had kidney stones in the past so discounted it being that as he knew what they felt like.  After a med series from the area doctor of anti-inflammatory and another of cipro it was decided to get a CT scan of what was going on.  He of course had a blessing from good brethren.  Turns out it is kidney stones rolling around  - we were grateful it was that and not something more worrisome.  Now he gets to wait . . . for them to do something!!!

Love hearing from you when you have time . . . KEEP THE FAITH AND LOVE TO ALL  XOXOXOXO - Mom and Dad, Chuck and Vickie, Grandma and Grandpa

Daughter's home of the man that took us on the Haitises Park boat tour.


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