Hi family and friends . . .
Today is our 44th anniversary . . . wow that's crazy to think of that number!!
Since we arrived we have been working on the Annual Area Auditor Training that is tomorrow and Saturday the 14th and 15th. Have done all of the scheduling for meeting agendas, flights, food and lodging for the 7 assistants and their wives to come here to Santo Domingo. We are having dinner catered for Friday night but Saturday breakfast and lunch we are arranging ourselves. Do you know the effort to find ice chests and tablecloths etc. when you aren't "home?" But . . . we think we are under control. There are also three men coming from Salt Lake . . . the three over the Church Auditing Department. Wish us luck!!
Richard and Hazie Brown came Tuesday from Trinidad ~ they are the couple over the West Indies ~ and have been staying with us. It was a stressful airport run at midnigtht on unfamiliar roads that do not have good lighting - we felt watched over and blessed. We have had a great time visiting with them and getting to know such good devoted people.
Have I mentioned how curly my hair is here . . . I have pretty much gone with it. I always feel pink and hot!
We went to a fun restaurant that advertised Peruvian Grilled Chicken ~ the Peru thing drew Chuck in and it was delicious! He even got to enjoy Inca Kola that he has such a love for from his young missionary days.
Chuck enjoying his Inca Kola . . . a bubble gum tasting citrus thing.
There are about 30 couples here that gather every Monday for Family Home Evening ~ usually in small groups of 4 or 5 couples with an assigned host couple. We meet in the apartments of those that live at the Casa by the temple. Sometimes they all gather in the cafeteria room and have refreshments together. Last week our lesson was on the history of the Dominican Republic and Christopher Columbus. It was so informative! I did not know he never landed on the mainland of the "Americas!" He made four trips and landed here at each one. His son Diego Colon has a "restored" home here that was built in 1512. We went to tour it on Saturday ~ it was very interesting. It is totally made from the coral stone that is the foundation of this island. The whole Columbus thing was quite the history lesson!
Diego Colon (Columbus) home
It is interesting to know that last February Elder Bednar was touring this Caribbean Area and visited Cuba to dedicate it for the preaching of the gospel. There is a small branch of the church established there and recently the branch president and his wife were here to be sealed in the temple.
For anyone thinking they may visit us one day and would like to work on a project to bring . . . white shirts are always greatly needed here at the MTC ~ size 14 through 15 are in the greatest need. No need for bigger sizes. Also, young boys white shirts are needed outside of the cities. Newborn kits are always a great thing to be delivered to outlying hospitals.
Don't know how we would get around without our buddy Slick . . . yes, we've named our GPS because indeed she is such a slick little thing . . . MAGIC!
All is well here with us - just need to get through these next few days with the annual training and we will be glad to have it successfully over . . . we hope! We love you and pray all is good in your lives. Thank you for the emails and phone calls to keep in touch - they are joyous to us! LOVE TO ALL xoxoxoxooxoxoxxo Mom and Dad, Chuck and Vickie and Grandma and Grandpa
This is the entry picture of our apartment . . . poor missionaries!
Moving day for someone - sorry, most of my "local color" pictures are from the car. |
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