Hi family and friends . . .
We have been wanting to visit the dedication site here in Santo Domingo. We finally got to do that - it is in a park here close to the area office. Apostle Russell M. Nelson dedicated the Dominican Republic in 1978 for missionary work. They don't maintain things too well here so the park at one time was probably beautiful but it could use a little work now.
Us at the dedication site in Mirador Park
As Area Auditor there are 6 cases we are working on now or waiting to be opened. Other assignments are much more gratifying than ours . . . but this is needful work to help these leaders know the error of their ways and try to return to good standing. Chuck has become quite the investigator in this paperwork and figuring out how things were done. It is pretty amazing how many ways people can figure out to deceive. We continue to be grateful it is a very small percentage of leaders that have these problems. As the audits get better and new reports are instigated - more red flags show up! He shows a lot of love in working with these men.
Chuck always searching the records . . .
There is a doll "home industry" here that we visited - it was two rooms in the back of a couple's home. They had three men out in the yard (with all the chickens) cutting wood for the base of the dolls and some other projects with wood. They use a mixture like play dough with a corn starch base to make the faceless dolls - faceless indicates the many cultures represented here. It is an old fashioned doll with a parasol and intricate flowers, patterns and colors in the dress and decorating of the skirt - all with the clay. It seems to be a customary gift here . . . will wait to get one later perhaps.
Parasols for the dolls at the "factory"
The Kanyangas just arrived as a couple missionary to serve in the temple. Interesting story - they are from the Congo w/six grown children. Twelve years ago with all the disruption in their country he barely escaped with his life with asylm in Korea. His wife didn't know where he was for three years and then it was another three years to get her out to be with him. They joined the church 7 years ago in Korea. Their native language is French which is greatly needed with the Hatians and others in the Caribbean that come to the temple. He understands a little English and she has even less. Neither of them speak Spanish. Nevertheless - they will be a great asset - such faith in a very humble couple.
Elders Neil Anderson and Ronald Rasband are visiting the Caribbean Area and spoke in a devotional this morning here in the office that was broadcast to church employees throughout the whole area. They have been in the far out islands of the West Indies, arrived here yesterday from Haiti and are headed to Cuba. They spoke of working w/unity, diligence and patience in the offices of the church. Contention always creates division. Isn't that true in all situations even families?
Chuck is quite the Dominicano driver - no left u-turns from the far right lane yet - but you never know!
Feel free to reply . . . love hearing from you!! Love you all MUCHO MUCHO!!! Mom and Dad, Chuck and Vickie, Grandma and Grandpa XOXOXOXOXO
Feel free to reply . . . love hearing from you!! Love you all MUCHO MUCHO!!! Mom and Dad, Chuck and Vickie, Grandma and Grandpa XOXOXOXOXO

Chickens to market - also have pics of truckloads of pigs and goats!